Growth Oil - How to Use

Application & Washing

Use the dropper to evenly distribute about ½–1mL of oil on the scalp, hairline, beard or other area of desired growth and massage gently for 2–3 minutes until it is clear sufficient absorption into the skin has begun. Allow the oil to sit and continue absorption for at least 20 minutes or up to 8 hours. We recommend doing this 1–3x per week, dependent upon individual needs.

After each use, wash out thoroughly using your usual method but preferably the least-toxic option available. Our own all-natural Honey and Maca Root Shampoo was crafted specifically with our oils in mind. Double cleansing is recommended to completely remove the oil.

As with all cosmetic products, testing a small amount on a patch of skin before mass application is definitely recommended. Read the ingredients list carefully and use at your own risk. FountainHead does not make any claims or guarantees that this or any of our other products will work as intended, as the nuance in individual issues is far too vague to know if positive results can be outright guaranteed.